
Our Welbeck Road - Tree Planting


Our Welbeck Road - Tree Planting

As part of the Newcastle East High Streets project, we have funding to deliver some improvements to the feel and quality of public space in and around the five project high streets.

We have been working with Welbeck Academy to develop a design to improve the public realm along the Academy’s grounds boundary with Welbeck Road.

Current Situation

The area along the school boundary is currently fenced off with grass fields behind, adding little to the feel and environmental quality of Welbeck Road, as seen in the photographs below:

The top three priorities for Welbeck Road that were identified as part of the project’s initial online community consultation and engagement were:

  1. Child friendly spaces - 58% 
  2. Provision of benches/seating areas - 50% 
  3. Less traffic and markets/pop-ups - 33%

You can take a look at the Engagement Report, which captures all of the feedback from the first stage of engagement here.

Design Proposal

We are proposing to relocate the current fence, moving this approximately 10 metres south, to create an open planted space that will run alongside the footpath for everyone to enjoy.

Current designs for the new landscaped area include planting 10 semi-mature trees and a number of extra heavy standard trees with a wildflower garden surrounding them. We are proposing to keep a 3 metre grass verge running directly next to the footpath, with a couple of benches installed in this area to provide spaces to rest.

Please see below for a plan of the proposed works:

 The image below shows the height of the semi-mature and extra heavy standard trees we are proposing to use:

The photographs below show the type of wildflower planting we are proposing to use:

If you have any further comments or queries about the scheme, you can contact us at economicdevelopment@newcastle.gov.uk using 'Welbeck Road Tree Planting' as the subject line.

This engagement phase has finished

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon
