
Stage 1 Report Summary


Stage 1 Report Summary

In 2023, we appointed a placemaking team (of architects, landscape architects, social and economic researchers, and transport planners) led by Harper Perry and MawsonKerr to help develop a long-term plan and vision for the area.

As part of the first stage of work, the team carried out research to develop an understanding of the five high streets in the Newcastle East Project Area. Five main themes were considered for each high street including:

  1. Population
  2. Community Infrastructure and Public Realm
  3. Economic Mix
  4. Landscape, Ecology and Biodiversity
  5. Access, Mobility and Legibility

The report summarises the research findings for each of these themes and high streets, setting out key priorities that could inform future plans.

The next stages of the project will test these priorities through engagement and collaboration with local communities and stakeholder organisations before finally setting out a future strategy for investment and development across the five high streets.

You can take a look at the summary below. 

Stage 1 Report Summary

Newcastle East High Streets - Stage 1 Report Summary.pdf
Newcastle East High Streets - Stage 1 Report Summary.pdf


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